3 Things You Might Not Know About Tooth Loss

For patients who take exceptional care of their smiles, tooth loss can seem like the ultimately worst-case scenario. In many ways, it is; however, it doesn’t have to be as disastrous as it may seem. For instance, preventing tooth loss could be easier than you think with a lifetime of good hygiene and dental care. If you do experience tooth loss, your dentist can help you fully recover with the help of dental implants. Nevertheless, tooth loss can have serious consequences if it is not addressed, and many patients don’t realize these consequences until it is too late. (more…)

A Few Facts About Modern Tooth Fillings

Even if you’ve never had a filling, you may recognize what one is and the importance of using one to treat a cavity. Since tooth decay is the most common dental health concern, you may know a friend or family member who has had a filling placed. Nevertheless, the more you know about modern tooth fillings, the better prepared you’ll be to save your tooth as soon as your dentist notices your cavity. Today, we take a look at a few facts about how modern fillings came to be, and why they remain one of the most reliable restorative dentistry options today. (more…)

Tips for Toothache Relief at Home

When your tooth hurts, relief is often the only thing you can think about. In fact, tooth pain is such a distraction that over 25% of adults in America admit to taking time off from work to deal with it. Often, the first signs of tooth sensitivity occur at the most inopportune moments, and an emergency dental visit may not be an immediate option. Fortunately, these tips can offer some much-needed toothache relief at home until you are able to reach your dentist’s office. (more…)

A Few Important Facts About Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are more common than you may realize, especially among adults. However, unlike children, adults may be more keen to ignore them out of fear of having to wear conspicuous, uncomfortable metal braces to correct them. This can be troublesome for two reasons: crooked teeth affect your bite’s ability to function, and ignoring the problem will only make it worse. Fortunately, among the many things you should know about crooked teeth is the fact that you may be able to correct them and improve your oral health without the need for traditional braces. (more…)

How Veneers Can Makeover Your Smile

Your smile’s needs aren’t just different from everyone else’s; they can also differ as you age. For example, while you may have only needed checkups and cleanings for years, you may now need to consider cosmetic treatment, as well, to improve your smile’s appearance. In many cases, porcelain veneers can help patients address a wide variety of cosmetic issues with only a single procedure. Because of their diversity and their highly lifelike appearance, porcelain veneers can completely makeover your smile while minimizing the time you have to spend in your dentist’s chair. (more…)

Do You Have Questions About Invisalign®?

Crooked teeth may show up most often during childhood, but adults with straight teeth can still develop tooth misalignment later in life. For many adults, the decision to straighten their teeth is often weighed by the prospect of wearing conspicuous, inconvenient braces for up to two years. Fortunately, that prospect is no longer a factor for patients who qualify for Invisalign® clear aligners. Unlike braces, Invisalign® utilizes a series of aligners that fit comfortably and remain virtually invisible throughout the course of your treatment.   (more…)

How Cosmetic Dentistry Helps You Regain Your Confidence

Your smile is one of the first things others notice about you. Therefore, its effect on your self-confidence is significant. When your teeth are blemished by one or more cosmetic issues, you may feel less confident about smiling, and about yourself. Cosmetic dentistry helps you regain this confidence by improving those blemishes so that your smile can shine brightly and beautifully again. With the right customized treatment, you can bounce back from virtually any issue that might diminish your smile’s esthetic appeal. (more…)

The Good Thing About Dental Implants

When it comes to improving or restoring your smile, the more lifelike your treatment results, the better. That means not only mimicking natural tooth structure in appearance, but also reestablishing the vital functions of your teeth and oral structures. Dental implants, for instance, are the only way to replace the stimulation that your lost teeth roots once provided, and that your jawbone relies on to remain healthy. The good thing about implants is that they can help patients who’ve suffered tooth loss of all degrees, and with proper care and maintenance, the implant posts can last for life. (more…)

Types Of Esthetic Issues We Can Treat

When you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry for your smile, you know that you want it to look better. However, if you find that staring at your smile in the mirror causes you to feel more like you’re looking at an abstract painting than as though you’re seeing something very logical, we can help. It becomes much easier to identify what’s gone wrong when you’re clear on the types of esthetic problems we can treat. Consider some helpful details, think them through, and then call us to schedule your consultation soon.
