Category: Restorative Dentistry

Avoiding Tooth Loss With Root Canal Treatment

When a tooth develops an infection or abscess, treatment is crucial for preventing the loss of your teeth. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist will explain how we use an endodontic procedure commonly referred to as a root canal to save smiles and offer lifelike and long-lasting repair!

How Do We Extract A Tooth?

When possible, we want to help repair a decayed or damaged tooth with lifelike fillings or crowns. However, sometimes an oral health issue arises that means the best course of action for your smile is to remove a tooth. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist is talking about how we remove teeth safely… Read more »

Creating A Lifelike Set Of Full Dentures

When you suffer from severe tooth loss, which could even mean losing all of your teeth, then you need a prosthetic to avoid complications when eating or speaking. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist will look at how we create a full set of lifelike dentures, and the difference between our removable and… Read more »

Completing Your Smile With A Custom Bridge

When you lose a tooth (or two or three), then you have an embarrassing gap in your smile, one that could eventually impact your overall oral health too! Fortunately, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist helps our patients complete their smile and avoid the complications of tooth loss with lifelike and durable dental prosthetics, such as… Read more »

Biocompatible Smile Repair With Our Custom Crowns

Just because you need a crown, doesn’t mean you must endure an all-metal option that stands out when you smile. Instead, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist may create a full or partial crown using a variety of lifelike and biocompatible materials. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at how we repair smiles with restorations… Read more »

Saving Your Tooth With Cosmetic Fillings

When you develop a cavity, this means your tooth may hurt or feel sensitive when you eat hot or cold foods and drinks. Unless treated, your cavity could also lead to an infected tooth too. Fortunately, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist offers a filling that looks natural and matches your tooth to treat cavities and… Read more »

Does My Smile Need Endodontic Treatment?

Do you have serious pain in your smile that doesn’t subside, but only seems to grow more severe? If so, then you could potentially have an infected or abscessed tooth. Treatment is crucial for avoiding the complete loss of your tooth as a result of an infection. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist… Read more »

Implant Dentures In A Day

Removable dentures are effective, but they have some downsides. For example, they can slip occasionally, and need replacement as the jaw ridge changes shape, every 10 years on average. However, we can offer our Woodland Hills, CA, patients a more secure option with dental implants, and in some cases, we can even do so in… Read more »

How Do We Guide Your Implant Placement?

Dental implants offer a secure option for addressing tooth loss, one that looks natural and can last for decades to come with proper care and attention. But how do we place them? In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist looks at how we use advanced technology to guide the placement of your new teeth!

Saving Smiles With Endodontic Treatment!

When a patient comes to us with an infected tooth, then we offer treatment to prevent them from losing a tooth and suffering from the complications of tooth loss. To preserve the tooth and put a halt to discomfort, we may recommend an endodontic treatment known as root canal therapy. How does a root canal… Read more »