Cosmetic Dentistry For Overlapping Teeth

Does your smile display some teeth that overlap one another? If so, you might not feel very confident in figuring out which treatment you will need. Do I need cosmetic dentistry, you may ask yourself? Or, you might assume orthodontics is always necessary. You may be pleased to learn that depending on the severity of the overlap (and your general alignment), cosmetic care can sometimes help. Learn a little bit more and schedule a visit with us soon.

When Cosmetic Care Can Help

If you have a couple teeth that appear a tiny bit crowded and one appears to overlap the other, you might not necessarily require a shift of your smile’s alignment. Instead, we may rely on cosmetic dentistry by using dental contouring. For mild issues, we can remove some of your enamel (from the foremost tooth), so teeth don’t appear to overlap any longer. We may also make changes to your smile if you choose porcelain veneers to ensure teeth look flush side-by-side, rather than crowded.

When You Might Need Something More

If you’re dealing with true misalignment, not simply a minor cosmetic concern, cosmetic dentistry may not be able to help. Instead, we may suggest Invisalign treatment. It won’t be noticeable (you just have to wear clear aligner trays). The trays are lightweight, you can take them out when you need to eat or when it’s time to brush and floss, and they require very simple maintenance. Your treatment will shift your teeth into a balanced, beautiful alignment.

Dr. Naminik: