Crafting Full Dentures That Look Natural

We recently looked at how partial dentures address the multiple gaps in our smile. But what about the total loss of your natural teeth? In these situations, we may recommend treatment with a full set of dentures. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about how we craft them.

The Long-Term Risks of Tooth Loss

When you lose the majority of your teeth, this could complicate so many facets of your life. For example, speaking clearly is difficult, and you may feel embarrassed in social situations, which harms your overall quality of life. Eating is limited, and many must subsist in soft items only, denying themselves essential nutrients and their favorite meals. The jawbone could also lose mass and density as well, causing a prematurely aged appearance. By addressing your tooth loss with a prosthetic, you can restore your smile’s function and beauty.

Crafting a Full Set of Dentures

The denture portion is what people see when you smile, and what restores bite function too. We may need to extract the few remaining teeth from your smile. Once we do, we will take detailed digital images of your smile and use them to plan the creation of a dental prosthetic. A full set consists of a row of ceramic teeth set into an acrylic base, one that looks like gum tissue. The teeth will be able to handle daily bite forces, but also for a lifelike appearance as well. Once they’re crafted, we will move forward with securing them.

Removable and Implant Secured Options

For some, these will be removable. A removable set of dentures is held in place with suction for the lower arch, or a special adhesive of the upper one. They need to be taken out for cleaning and soaking occasionally, and last about 5 to 10 years on average. But we could also insert multiple dental implants per post, and connect the denture to these with abutments. The implant promotes the growth of jawbone tissue, preventing it from losing mass and density. This means your new teeth can stay in place for decades to come. The dentist will be fixed in place, never skipping and never requiring removal for maintenance. We will carefully examine your smile and decide which is the best option for you, so you can smile with confidence once again and enjoy a full functional smile.

If you have any questions about treating missing teeth, then contact our team today.

Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist Replaces Your Lost Teeth

Our team wants to help you avoid the dangers of major tooth loss. If you would like to learn how to address missing teeth with a prosthetic, then contact your Woodland Hills, CA dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: