Enhancing Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers

We’ve talked about teeth whitening and dental bonding, but what if there was one procedure that could offer the benefits of both? In today’s blog, we’re looking at the smile enhancement provided by placing one or more porcelain veneers. Your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist can completely transform your smile in as little as two visits.

Creating a Custom Veneer

A veneer is a very thin shell or porcelain that we attach to the front facing side of your teeth, instantly altering the appearance of your teeth. Each one is custom-made to ensure a comfortable fit and a balanced bite. To begin, we will administer a numbing agent and then gently remove a thin layer of enamel from the tooth. Our team then takes detailed digital images of your tooth to design and craft the restoration in a dental lab. When ready, you will return to the office so we can check the fit and attach the restoration with a powerful bonding agent. Your veneers can last for years to come!

The Cosmetic Benefits

Our team could use them to reshape malformed teeth, address minor chips and cracks, and lengthen worn down teeth too. We could correct the appearance of minor misalignment, so you don’t have to wear braces or aligners to have the appearance of an even smile. In addition, we could mask permanent teeth stains too, the kind that may not respond to traditional teeth whitening procedures. Our team can also close embarrassing gaps between teeth. For a true smile makeover, we could also combine these with teeth whitening, bonding, and contouring, transforming your smile in as little as two visits.

Keeping Your Smile Bright

Routine care can also protect the teeth we’ve attached them to from decay, infection, or gum disease, so they stay strong and in place. In addition, care helps prevent stains from dimming the brightness of your restorations. You should take time to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes, and to floss every evening. Try to cut back on sugary foods and drinks, or beverages with dark pigments. Make time to see our team for a checkup and cleaning too, so we can keep an eye on your natural teeth and your new restorations.

If you have any questions about obtaining and maintaining porcelain veneers, or if you would like to get started with a cosmetic consultation, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk to Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist About Cosmetic Dental Care

We’re ready to help you smile with confidence once again with our thin cosmetic restorations! If you would like to learn more about our cosmetic treatment options, then contact your Woodland Hills, CA dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: