Figuring Out if Porcelain Veneers Are Your Best Option

A smile that you can be proud of is something that most people aim for, but sometimes, it can seem like improving your smile’s appearance is too complicated. In many cases, though, it isn’t, especially with the help of one or more porcelain veneers. Like most cosmetic dental treatments, porcelain veneers are custom-designed according your specific dental needs and preferences. They’re also made to address several different types of issues at once, making them the best option for patients who exhibit a variety of smile concerns.

How does a veneer help my smile?

A porcelain veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that is crafted according to the specific dimensions of your tooth’s front surface. The porcelain is also carefully tinted and layered to mimic the color, shade, and light-reflection of your healthy tooth enamel. Their lifelike appearance, combined with their ability to completely revamp your tooth’s appearance, means veneers can help your smile recover from issues such as:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Severe teeth stains
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Lightly cracked teeth
  • And more

Would a dental crown be better?

As one of the more popular dental materials, porcelain is also used for restorations such as dental crowns, which completely cover your tooth’s top portion. In some cases, a crown may be preferable to a veneer, especially if the tooth is severely damaged. To help you determine which is the best option, your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth to gauge the extent of its damage, and whether or not a full crown is necessary.

Learn More About the Value of Porcelain Veneers

For many patients, porcelain veneers are an effective, versatile, and highly effective solution for improving different types of cosmetic blemishes. To find out if veneers are your best option, too, schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: