How Veneers Help With Discolored Teeth

If your goal is to make your smile whiter, why would you look into any treatment beyond a whitening procedure? For many people, this approach can prove effective, but there are times when discoloration is linked to something other than enamel stains. In these situations, when you have what is known as intrinsic discoloration, your Woodland Hills, CA dentist can help you find the right solution. One way to address this problem is to have porcelain veneers put in place. In addition to making your smile appear brighter, this will help you take on problems like improper teeth spacing, dental damage, and more!

Discoloration Can Stem From More Than Just Teeth Stains

While people who have discolored teeth often need help with enamel stains, you should know that there are two major forms of dental discoloration that can affect you. Extrinsic discoloration refers to the problems that occur when particles from different foods and drinks steadily gather on our enamel and make our teeth look less white. When changes occur because of issues with the underlying tooth structure, you will need to look into options to treat intrinsic discoloration. This is something that we can address with cosmetic dental work, including treatment with porcelain veneers, though in some cases we may instead recommend having dental crowns put in place.

Planning Your Cosmetic Treatment With Veneers

Because veneers only cover the front surfaces of your teeth, they can make significant changes while preserving much of your natural tooth structure. Before you receive them, we will carefully evaluate your teeth and measure them to determine how they can best restore your smile, and we can provide careful preparatory work to make sure they look natural when they are put in place. At your second appointment, we will go through the process of bonding them to your enamel to provide lasting improvements!

Other Benefits To Treatment With Veneers

With porcelain veneers, there are many cosmetic changes that you can enjoy. Their placement can lead to your smile looking more uniform, as we can address problems with tooth shape and size. We can also rely on them to cover up problems with enamel wear and tear, something that can affect you if you have a history of grinding or clenching your teeth.

Talk To Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist About Porcelain Veneers!

Because some people experience intrinsic discoloration, teeth whitening treatment is not the only effective solution when you have concerns about a smile that seems dull or discolored. At Woodland Hills Dental Arts, we can recommend other services, such as treatment with porcelain veneers, to help you with this problem! If you would like to find out more, contact your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: