Let’s Brighten Your Smiles Before The Holiday Season

How do you feel about your smile? If you wish your teeth could be brighter, we understand. The holiday season means plenty of opportunities to visit with friends and family, so you’ll likely want your smile to look its best. To address discoloration and other issues, we offer cosmetic dentistry, including professional teeth whitening. Ready to see your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist for a brighter smile?

Whitening Your Smile at Home

We have a unique treatment option that you can use at home. Unlike over-the-counter strips and toothpastes, these don’t cause tooth sensitivity and offer more dramatic results that last much longer. You first come to the office long enough for us to take impressions of your smile and create a set of plastic trays. We then prescribe a powerful bleaching gel. You take these items home and then fill the trays with gel and wear them for 30 to 45 minutes a day. The trays keep the gel spread evenly across the teeth throughout the process, breaking up discoloration. Optimal results take about one to two weeks. Afterward, you can choose to keep your trays and remaining gel should you want to touch up your smile down the road.

The Causes of Your Teeth Stains

Our home whitening kit can easily address most extrinsic stains, which form on the surface. These could be caused by consuming beverages with dark pigments, like soda, tea, red wine, and coffee. Sugary foods and drinks could also promote plaque buildup, which makes stains more apparent. However, intrinsic stains, which form beneath the enamel, could be caused by fluorosis, tetracycline use a young age, or injury to the teeth. These are more difficult to remove and if our kit isn’t enough, we can mask them with dental bonding, lifelike veneers, or a combination of these two cosmetic treatments.

The Benefits of Homecare

Routine homecare not only improves the health of your smile, but can also limit the severity of teeth stains. You should brush your teeth for two minutes when you wake up and again before going to bed. To avoid potential enamel damage, use a toothbrush with soft bristles, and always choose a toothpaste with fluoride. Flossing before bed is crucial too, as this removes what a toothbrush alone cannot. Finally, make time to see us as well! A checkup and cleaning should happen every six months to help you enjoy optimal health and beauty.

Do You Have Questions About Cosmetic Dental Care?

We would like to help you enjoy brighter smiles with professional cosmetic care. For more information on cosmetic dentistry, please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, and all surrounding communities.



Dr. Naminik: