Preparing Your Smile For A Dental Implant

For a single missing tooth, or for a smile missing all of its natural teeth, dental implants offer a more lifelike and longer lasting solution than bridges or removable dentures. But we must take a number of factors into account before we prescribe one. What does your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist take into account when addressing tooth loss, and how do we prepare someone’s smile?

What Makes a Good Candidate?

First, we need to assess the cause of your tooth loss, which means looking for any underlying oral health concerns. Did you know that periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease, is the most common cause of adult tooth loss in the United States? This stage actually destroys the tissues that connect your teeth and gums, causing them to become loose or even fall out. If you receive dental implants while suffering from periodontitis, your new ones could fail. Instead, we will need to manage the issue with scaling and root planings, contouring, and preventive measures before we move forward. We also look for signs of infection and decay as well, which could threaten overall oral health.

What If I’ve Lost Jawbone Tissue?

When we lose one or more of our teeth, our body responds by suspending the flow of nutrients to the jawbone around these lost teeth. Without routine doses of calcium and phosphorus, the bone tissue begins to break down. Over time, this loss of mass and density could mean further tooth loss and even an aged appearance! Obviously, losing jawbone structure means losing support for your new dental implant, which must be inserted into the bone structure. With a jawbone grafting procedure or sinus augmentation, we can restore this structure to help ensure your new teeth remain sturdy and strong.

The Placement Process

If we do decide you’re a good candidate, what happens? Well, using advanced technology, we will carefully plan the placement process and insert a dental implant, made from biocompatible titanium, into the jawbone. After osseointegration occurs, which bonds the new tooth root and jawbone, we move on with the restoration, which is typically a custom-made dental crown. Your new tooth will look natural, stimulate the growth of jawbone tissue, and could stay in place for decades, even a lifetime for some patients. If you have any questions about candidacy, or about the implant placement process, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Missing Teeth?

We would like to help you maintain a complete smile with custom and lifelike dental implants. For more information on our implant placement procedures, please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.

Dr. Naminik: