Q&A: Whitening And Smoking

If you are a smoker or someone who previously smoked cigarettes, you may have some questions about your smile. For instance, many patients wonder if there’s anything they can do about staining that has occurred as a result. Others wonder if treatments like teeth whitening will prevent future stains from occurring. Allow us to fill you in on some important details with our cosmetic dentistry Q&A session.

Questions and Answers: Cosmetic Care And Smoking

Question: What do I do if I was previously a smoker but have quit? I am upset with my yellowed teeth but I am worried that you cannot help me.

Answer: You should schedule a dental visit with us. We can determine the health of your smile and move forward from there. If you require restorative care, we can first address any existing illness or damage. As for cosmetic dentistry, we may suggest whitening, veneers, or bonding depending on your needs.

Question: What if I’m still smoking but I am unhappy with the appearance of my smile? If I choose cosmetic dentistry, will my new smile be immune to staining?

Answer: No. Teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding are all resistant to stains but not immune. As a result, you can expect continued smoking to lead to a smile that becomes stained again.

Question: Is it better to just go ahead and try to use home treatments for my nicotine stains?

Answer: No! Whitening toothpaste will do very little to address discoloration. Over-the-counter whitening can hurt your teeth. Come see us, so we may offer a comprehensive care plan that ensures your teeth are healthy and look beautiful.

Dr. Naminik: