Sharing An Interest In Veneers With Your Cosmetic Dentist

If you know you are interested in showing off a better smile, what is stopping you from sharing that interest with your dentist? Knowing you want to pursue cosmetic dentistry and knowing what kind of treatment you would like to pursue are two different matters. Our Woodland Hills, CA dentist’s office can provide different approaches to treatment, including an approach that relies on porcelain veneers. These customized shells cover the front surfaces of teeth; in doing so, they can make your smile brighter, more uniform, and more youthful. Because this one procedure can take on many different problems at one time, it can make a seemingly significant amount of work to improve your appearance easier to enjoy!

How Comfortable Are You With Your Smile?

Do you feel completely at ease with your appearance? When you have flaws that affect your smile, it can be difficult to express confidence in your overall look. Few features tend to be as prominent, which is why flaws that affect it can feel so pronounced. All it takes is one tooth that is misshapen, damaged, discolored, or affected in some other way to create a glaring issue that disrupts your smile symmetry and general appearance. The good news is that veneers can take on all of these different issues, and they can help people see results even when they feel they need more significant work done.

Discussing Treatment With Porcelain Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry that relies on porcelain veneers can produce fantastic results in just two appointments. During your first appointment, we can take care of the necessary preparatory work. That will mean taking measurements of teeth as well as performing preparatory work. While veneers are slim, some preparatory care is needed to ensure that they look natural when placed on teeth. At your subsequent appointment, you will have the restorations made for you put in place. That placement can give you the opportunity to show off a bright, symmetrical smile that can impress in pictures, social settings, and business environments!

Preserving Your Improved Smile

After going through any kind of cosmetic dental work, you can be understandably concerned about how you can preserve your results. The good news is that veneers are remarkably durable, which means you can have an easier time than you expect keeping them preserved. Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine at home and visiting your dentist for routine oral health services will further contribute to your effort at preservation.

Talk To Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist About Treatment With Porcelain Veneers

Your Woodland Hills, CA dentist can help you take on problems with your smile that have made you self-conscious. Through the placement of custom veneers, we can resolve problems with discoloration, dental damage, and more in just two appointments. For more information, contact your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: