Veneers Provide A Smile Makeover In Two Visits

Have you ever wondered if you could undergo a complete makeover on your smile? Well, if you have multiple esthetic complaints, then one or more porcelain veneers could offer a chance to instantly alter the shape and color of your smile. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist discusses the makeover potential of our lifelike veneers.

Your First Visit

During your first visit, we want to carefully examine your smile to assess the cause and extent of your cosmetic issues. This will enable us to better plan your treatment. We then tale detailed digital images of your teeth after removing a thin layer from them. We combine these images to create a 3D model, one that will enable us to better design and craft the finished product in a dental lab setting. Each veneer is made from porcelain, a strong and durable material that can be color-matched to blend seamlessly with your smile. The material also contains stain-resistant properties. When you leave the office, we will begin the process of crafting your custom set of veneers!

The Second Visit

When you return for a second visit, a week or two later, we will have finished your restorations. We check the fit to make sure final adjustments are necessary, and if not, we move forward with placement. A special bonding agent will secure them to the front of your teeth, the same we use to keep dental crowns in place. Once in place, they will cover the front and sides of each tooth, completely altering shape and color and offering a smile makeover! In fact, we may whiten your teeth beforehand to ensure they match your brightest possible smile.

The Makeover Potential

When in place, they instantly lengthen worn down teeth, and provide repair for minor chips or cracks. We’ve used to them to close gaps between teeth, and even mask black triangle shaped spaces between them. Placement helps mask permanent teeth stains, the kind of discoloration that is often too severe to be removed with teeth whitening. We also correct misshapen or malformed teeth too. If you have minor dental misalignment, then placement could help correct the appearance of your smile, offering a more even and beautiful smile. If you have any questions about how we approach a makeover with our custom-made cosmetic restorations, then contact our team today.

Ready to Try Our Porcelain Veneers?

We know how to use these durable and lifelike restorations to improve overall smile beauty. For more information on completing a smile makeover in only two sittings, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: