What Makes Dental Implants Special?

Every smile is unique, and therefore, every dental treatment should be uniquely tailored to match each patient’s needs and preferences. Some things, however, are universal. For instance, two patients may lose teeth for different reasons, but both will be faced with the consequences of tooth loss. Aside from the appearance of their smiles, those consequences also include the gradual loss of mass and density in their jawbones, which increases their risks of further tooth loss. Dental implants are the only option that can address these consequences because they are the only way to replace the roots of your lost teeth and the stimulation they provide your jawbone.

Why Teeth Roots Matter

Healthy, natural teeth are sturdier and stronger than any replacement could be, and that’s largely due to the support of their roots, which rest in sockets within the jawbone. Yet, supporting your teeth while they bite and chew is only part of their job. As they absorb pressure from your bite, stimulated teeth roots also invite nutrients to your jawbone, keeping it strong and allowing it to provide your teeth with the nutrients they need, as well.

The Long-Term Benefit of Dental Implants

The loss of your teeth roots disrupts this mutually beneficial relationship and leads to fewer nutrients being sent to your jawbone. Not only will your remaining teeth receive fewer nutrients, but your jawbone will also begin to grow weaker from the loss. The most significant long-term benefit of dental implants is they help preserve the strength and integrity of your jawbone, reducing your risks of suffering from the loss of more of your teeth in the future.

Learn More About What Makes Dental Implants Special

As the only prosthetic dental solution to address the loss of your teeth roots, dental implants stand apart as the most comprehensive solution to tooth replacement. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: