5 Cosmetic Treatments To Transform Your Smile

Do you ever wish your smile was brighter? Do you have issues with the shape or alignment of your teeth? For many of us, esthetic issues stand between us and the smile of our dreams. To help residents of Woodland Hills, CA, who want a more beautiful smile, we offer cosmetic dentistry. Let’s look at the treatments we use to brighten smiles.

Cosmetic Dentistry

  1. Teeth Whitening: If you have discolored teeth, then you may benefit from a professional teeth whitening procedure. Treatment involves the creation of a set of custom-made plastic trays. We then fill the trays with gel. When worn daily for 30 to 45 minutes, the trays and gel begin to remove stains and brighten teeth. Optimal results tend to take between one and two weeks and leave patients with a significantly brighter smile.
  2. Dental Bonding: With dental bonding, we repair chipped teeth, mask teeth stains, and fill gaps between the teeth in one visit. The procedure involves applying a special composite resin to the teeth. We shade the material to blend with the rest of your smile.
  3. Dental Contouring: While bonding involves adding material to a tooth, contouring means removing a small amount of outer structure. We buff away the bits of structure to dull pointed teeth, reshape malformed or damaged teeth, and to remove any pits or grooves in the surface of the teeth. As with bonding, this only takes one visit to complete.
  4. Porcelain Veneers: For a complete smile transformation, we may suggest veneers. Made from porcelain, they cover the front and sides of the teeth. The veneers will be created to match your surrounding teeth and helps mask permanent teeth stains, fill gaps between the teeth, correct the appearance of misalignment, reshape malformed teeth, and repair chips and cracks. Placement only takes about two visits.
  5. Invisalign®: If a patient comes to us with misalignment, then orthodontics may be necessary to remove the smile’s health and beauty. We will create a series of aligners that are barely noticeable and fit comfortably. Patients can remove the aligners before meals or for special occasions. Over the period of a year, the aligners help correct smile alignment. If you have any questions about our approach to cosmetic dentistry, then contact our team today. We want to help you obtain a stunning and beautiful smile that fills you with confidence and helps improve overall oral health.

Woodland Hills Dental Offers Cosmetic Care

Whether you have stained teeth or misalignment, we have cosmetic care to help. Schedule a consultation to discuss our cosmetic dental care treatments by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.



Dr. Naminik: