How Does A Dental Implant Stop Tooth Loss?

Tooth loss impacts adults of all ages. Following tooth loss, our health and appearance may suffer. In order to address the problem and fill the gaps in your smile, we may suggest implant dentistry. How does a dental implant replace missing teeth and help halt the loss of additional teeth? Let’s find out why we often recommend this option for our patients in Woodland Hills, CA.

The Causes of Missing Teeth

The factors behind your missing teeth could vary, as accidents and injuries could cause tooth loss. In addition, advanced tooth decay and infection could require a tooth to be extracted. But the most common cause is due to periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. When patients with the disease don’t undergo routine treatment to manage it, then periodontitis may form and dissolve the tissue connecting your teeth and gums. Teeth then become loose and lost, leading to unsightly gaps in your smile. Over time, as the body suspends the flow of nutrients to the jawbone around missing teeth, people obtain an aged appearance and suffer additional lost teeth.

Placing Your Dental Implant

A dental implant is actually placed directly into the jawbone itself, acting as a new tooth. The implant bonds with the jawbone, a process known as osseointegration. The body then resumes the flow of nutrients, preserving the jawbone and preventing further tooth loss. After the placement area heals, we then address the visible portion of your new tooth. We add an abutment to the implant that anchors a dental crown in place. Custom-made from strong and lifelike materials, the crown will look natural and blend with your smile, ensuring a lifelike new tooth! The crown will also be ale to withstand the pressure and bite forces a natural tooth can, returning your ability to eat your favorite foods!

What If I Have Several Missing Teeth?

While we place single tooth dental implants to address minor tooth loss, we also have options for those losing multiple teeth. For example, we can place multiple dental ones to secure a bridge or denture. The prosthetic will be fixed in place, never slipping and lasting much longer that traditional bridges or dentures. Again, they will preserve your facial structure and prevent a prematurely aged appearance. If you have any questions about replacing your lost teeth, or about the dental implant process, then contact our team today.

Woodland Hills Dental Offers Implant Dentistry

With implant dentistry, we offer patients lifelike and long-lasting tooth replacement options. Schedule a consultation to discuss our solutions for missing teeth by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: