Types Of Dental Implants
Dental Implant Types For Every Need
Compared to dental crowns, bridges and dentures, dental implants are a relatively new resource in restorative dentistry. Still, they have already seen several advancements that make them more available to patients with special considerations. Given the surgical nature of implant placement, patients who exhibit decreased jawbone density or who require immediate replacement for an extracted tooth may not be eligible for conventional implant surgery. Fortunately, we offer a number of dental implant types that can help you enjoy the benefits of implant placement, but in a quicker and more conservative manner.
All-On-4 Implant Dentures
A complete denture replaces all of the teeth on your upper or lower dental ridge. Therefore, supporting the large prosthesis will require a series of dental implants. With All-On-4, we can provide your dentures with adequate support using only four strategically-placed dental implant posts. The limited number of posts means less invasive surgery and a lower demand on your jawbone structure. If your jawbone is not as strong and dense as it once was, then All-On-4 implant dentures may prove the optimal solution for replacing your lost teeth.
Same-Day Dental Implants
When complex dental issues call for tooth extraction, you may likely need to replace the removed tooth (with the exception of impacted wisdom teeth). Rather than requiring two separate visits, we offer same-day dental implants that allow us to replace your damaged or failing tooth the same day it is extracted. Before your procedure, we will custom-design a strong, natural-looking restoration (i.e., dental crown or denture) according to your specific needs. Immediately after the extraction, your doctor can place the implant post(s) and restoration, and you can leave our office the same day with your brand new smile intact.