A Quieter Treatment With Oral Appliance Therapy

oral appliance therapy woodland hills caSome of the most common sleep disorders experienced by Americans relate to oral health, and without treatment, these can hold your smile and your overall wellness back. If you grind your teeth overnight, the activity can go on for hours uninterrupted, and this causes you to lose tiny pieces of your enamel, which can leave you with shortened or stubby teeth. Another common sleep disorder, chronic obstructive sleep apnea, can greatly increase your risk of serious health concerns such as heart attack, stroke, and more. If you are struggling with your sleep, ask about the advantages of oral appliance therapy.

At our helpful dental clinic and sleep center in Woodland Hills, CA, we understand that your health has value, and we want you to find a comfortable way to keep yourself safe from these highly prevalent sleep disorders. If you are simply not seeing the level of sleep quality that you need, or if your loved ones have mentioned their concern over your loud and aggressive snoring, then take the time to talk to a professional who knows the science behind sleep. To find out more or to schedule your next appointment, give us a call today!


What You Need To Know Before An Endodontic Procedure

Woodland Hills, CA dentist offers root canal

The thought of having any type of invasive dental treatment done can be overwhelming for many patients. You may have concerns about the length of the procedure, possible pain, and the recovery time needed. Our team at Woodland Hills Dental Arts in CA understands that this can be stressful, but we’re here to help. Procedures such as root canal treatment can seem intimidating, but it is a common practice that can be used to relieve discomfort and protect your oral health. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss what to expect from this treatment.


Three Reasons To Choose Invisalign

Woodland Hills, CA, dentist offers invisalign

Crooked and overcrowded teeth can disrupt the appearance of your smile and could potentially harm your oral health. If you are an adult with a misaligned smile, you may be weighing your orthodontic treatment options to find the best one for your needs and lifestyle. Woodland Hills Dental Arts in California offers Invisalign which can correct your misalignment subtly and in the same amount of time as traditional methods.


Do You Grind Your Teeth At Night?

Woodland Hills CA dentist offers treatment for bruxism

If you often wake up in the morning feeling tired and have a headache, or frequently experience sensitivity when eating, you may have bruxism. This condition causes you to grind your pearly whites together, usually when you are unaware. As a result, you may notice these symptoms and more. If you believe you may have this disorder, the team at Woodland Hills Dental Arts in California is here to help treat the problem.
