A New Smile With Bonding And Contouring

woodland hills bondingDental bonding and contouring are two different cosmetic treatment options that help correct multiple issues with the function and appearance of your smile. Our team can use them to address major concerns in only one visit! In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about bonding and contouring.

When You Need Cosmetic Dentistry

When should you contact our team about cosmetic dentistry? If you have issues with your smile that make you feel embarrassed or cause you to hide your smile, even if you’ve had these concerns for years, then please reach out to our team. We will conduct a detailed examination of the smile with advanced imaging technology, so we can assess the cause and extent of your cosmetic issues and choose the most appropriate treatment option. Every smile is different, and we offer treatments that can be personalized for your smile, so you can enjoy results that look good and improve your bite function and health too.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding uses the same metal-free composite resin that is employed for our dental fillings. The material is safe for all ages, and can be shaded to blend with your smile seamlessly. Since the material is biocompatible, it actually bonds with your tooth and can last for years to come. The placement process involves our team numb the tooth so you’re cozy as we remove decay and clean the tooth. We then etch the outer surface and apply the material in several layers. We then sculpt and mold the tooth as the composite resin cures under a light. The last step is to polish the tooth.

The procedure can mask permanent teeth stains, address gaps between teeth, and lengthen worn down structure too. We can repair cracked or chipped teeth before decay of infection develops, and also address misshapen teeth too.

Cosmetic Contouring

In the same visit, our team could also contour the teeth, a procedure that involves gently sanding and buffing the tooth to address minor cosmetic concerns, such as very minor chips, or sharp/pointed tooth structure. We can smooth out rough patches, pits, and grooves in the tooth, and also address overly large or misshapen teeth too. If you have any questions about the bonding or contouring procedure, or if you have multiple cosmetic concerns that need attention, then please reach out to our team today. We want to help you enjoy optimal results, so you can smile with confidence again!

Learn More About Cosmetic Dentistry!

We want to help you enjoy good oral health and a smile that helps you feel more confident too with our cosmetic treatment options. Set aside some time for a consultation with Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA at (818)347-5124!