How Veneers Provide Smile Makeover Potential

woodland hills veneersIf you have multiple cosmetic concerns with the appearance of your smile, you need a treatment that can transform your teeth. Porcelain veneers are thin restorations that can do that, instantly changing the front and sides of your teeth. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about placing custom veneers.

Creating and Placing Custom Restorations

Each one we place is custom-made for your smile, fitting comfortably and providing major improvement for your smile. To get started, our team will numb the teeth receiving them and then gently remove a thin outer layer of enamel. Once we do, we will take detailed digital images of the tooth from multiple angles, and then combine them to create a 3D impression. We then use this to create the restoration from porcelain, a material that can handle daily bite forces and also be shaded to blend with your smile seamlessly. We then attach the finished product with a powerful bonding agent, which can keep them in place for years to come!

The Cosmetic Benefits

Our thin restorations can be used to fill the gaps in your smile and to lengthen worn down teeth. Placement can also mask permanent teeth stains to instantly brighten smiles. We can use them to repair minor damage and even correct the appearance of minor misalignment to offer a straighter looking smile without the need for braces or aligners. We could also combine these with other treatment options. For example, we can whiten teeth beforehand to ensure they match your brightest smile! We could also use bonding and contouring for the side and rear teeth, reserving veneers for the more front facing ones.

Protecting Your Restorations

With the right care, you can keep your restoration bright and also safeguard the teeth we’ve attached them to, so you can enjoy veneers that last for years to come. You should brush your teeth for two minutes in the morning and then again at night with a fluoride toothpaste. You also need to floss every evening before you brush that second time! We also recommend cutting back on sugary foods and drinks, avoiding tobacco products, and seeing our team for a checkup and cleaning visit every six months. These actions protect your new veneers and your natural teeth too!

If you have any questions about our approach to cosmetic dentistry, or about porcelain veneers in particular, then contact our team today to learn more. Everyone deserves a beautiful smile, and we can help!

Learn More About Cosmetic Dental Restorations!

Our team wants to help you smile with confidence by addressing your cosmetic concerns, so you can feel great about your appearance. Set aside some time for a consultation with Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA at (818)347-5124!