The Difference Between Full And Partial Dentures

While a bridge may offer the perfect choice for addressing minor tooth loss, patients with multiple missing teeth may need a more substantial solution. We offer our patients in Woodland Hills, CA, full and partial dentures to address tooth loss and offer a whole and healthy smile. What’s the difference between them and when should a patient seek treatment?

The Impact of Advanced Tooth Loss

Losing multiple teeth may create problems eating. People may find themselves forced to consume mainly soft foods, which would deprive them of essential nutrients. Others may also have trouble speaking clearly due to their missing teeth. The remaining teeth could potentially drift from position due to the gaps in the smile, causing misalignment and a greater risk of tooth decay and gum disease. As the missing teeth place pressure on the jaw joints, TMJ disorder and teeth grinding may become more likely. Replacing your lost teeth will help prevent these serious complications and safeguard your smile’s health and appearance.

Partial Dentures

What if you’ve lost several teeth, with gaps spread out across your arch, but not enough to require a full prosthetic? Instead of a bridge, we may suggest a partial. We begin by taking detailed impressions of your smile, which will be used in a dental lab to design and create your partial. The prosthetic will have an acrylic base that mimics the appearance of gum tissue, with replacement teeth created using ceramic and other lifelike materials. Metal clasps will attach to natural teeth and secure your new ones firmly in place. They will last between 5 and 10 years before requiring adjustment or replacement.

Full Dentures

If you’ve lost a majority of your teeth, or all of them, then you may need a full denture. The prosthetic replaces all teeth on one or both of your arches. As with the partial, this will be custom-made, with an acrylic base to mimic the gum tissue and a row of lifelike teeth created from ceramic or other suitable materials. Instead of being held in place with metal clasps, suction will keep them secure. Patients may also opt for a special adhesive. Again, they will typically last between 5 and 10 years before replacement will be necessary. If you have any questions about correcting tooth loss, then talk to our team about our lifelike dentures.

Woodland Hills Dental Offers Tooth Loss Solutions

Our team can help patients enjoy a full smile, even if they’re suffered advanced tooth loss. Schedule a consultation to discuss our dental prosthetics by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.



Dr. Naminik: