Let’s Bridge The Gap In Your Smile

If you have lost a tooth, or as many as three in a row, then you may need a dental prosthetic. With a dental bridge, we can offer a durable and lifelike option. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about how we craft a custom bridge to address minor tooth loss and offer a complete smile again!

The Factors Behind Your Missing Teeth

We could lose our natural teeth due to poor oral hygiene and a diet high in sugar and starch, both factors that can cause tooth decay infection, which could lead to tooth loss without treatment. An injury or accident could be a factor behind your tooth loss. But the most common factor is actually periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. This is the number one cause of tooth loss. When you lose your teeth, these gaps could impact how you eat and speak, and could also lead to misalignment as your remaining teeth drift due to these exposed gaps in your smiles. But with a dental bridge, we can fill these gaps and protect your smile from major complications.

Creating a Custom Dental Prosthetic

Go get started, we need to numb the teeth on each side of the gap, which are typically referred to as abutment teeth. We then remove structure for them and take detailed digital images from multiple angles, combining them to create a 3D impression and enabling us to design and craft a prosthetic in a lab setting. The finished bridge will contain new teeth with crowns on one or both sides. Made from ceramic, the new teeth will look natural and be able to handle daily bite forces with precision and accuracy.

Securing Your New Teeth

The crowns will be attached to the abutment teeth on each side of the gap, securing your new ones firmly in place. The bridge can last about 10 to 15 years on average, and to keep them bright and strong, you should brush and floss them and clean the spaces between the top of the gums and the bottom of the prosthetic. Good oral hygiene habits also prevent the loss of additional teeth too. If you have any questions about tooth loss or about avoiding the risk of missing teeth, then contact our team today. If you have gaps in your smile then talk to our team about a bridge, which can replace between one and three missing teeth in a row. Everyone deserves a full smile!

Do You Have Missing Teeth?

We want to help you obtain a full smile again. Call Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: