Does Your Aching Tooth Need A Crown?

Does your tooth ache, or have you sustained damage to one or more teeth? If so, then you need a restoration to correct the issue and protect your smile from major complications. To restore your tooth, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist could place a custom and lifelike dental crown.

Problems That Call for a Crown

When does a tooth need a full restoration like a dental crown? We could recommend one if a tooth is chipped or cracked, or severely broken too. Placement could reshape malformed teeth and improve overall bite balance and chewing function too. We’ve used them to lengthen worn down teeth and address cavities too severe for a filling. We can even treat infections by completing a root canal procedure! If you have missing teeth, then our team could use crowns to support a dental bridge or restore a dental implant too.

Creating and Placing Your Custom Dental Restoration

Our team will choose from a number of different lifelike materials. For example, we can use all ceramic for the front facing teeth as this is the most lifelike option available. In addition, for the side and rear teeth that endure greater bite forces, we have zirconia and porcelain-fused-to-metal, which can be shaded to blend with your smile, and also support more severe pressures and bite forces with ease.

The placement process starts with our team numbing the tooth being treated so we can remove structure from it. Our team next removes structure and takes detailed images of the teeth from multiple angles too. We use these to design and craft the finished product in a lab setting. The finished crown is then attached to the tooth with a powerful bonding agent. In as little as two visits, we can offer a complete and lifelike restoration to safeguard your smile from major complications.

Preserving Your Smile

Once your crown is in place, good oral hygiene habits can protect the restoration and ensure it can last for years to come. These same actions also safeguard your natural teeth from issues like tooth decay and gum disease. You should brush and floss daily to remove stray food and drink particles, and avoid tobacco use too. Cut back on your consumption of sugar and starch as well, as this helps lower your risk of tooth decay and other oral health concerns. Finally, be sure you see our team for checkup and cleaning every six months too.

Schedule Your Next Visit Today!

Our team is ready to help you obtain a strong and healthy smile before 2023 comes to a close. Call Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: