A Smile Makeover With Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a unique cosmetic treatment option. They don’t just address a single aspect of your smile, such as the brightness of your teeth. Instead, they can offer improvement for the shape and shade of your teeth, and even the overall alignment. How do porcelain veneers offer our Woodland Hills, CA, patients a smile makeover?

Creating a Custom-Made Restoration

Each one we create and place will be custom-made. We begin by making room for them, which involves removing a thin layer of structure from the tooth. Next, we take detailed impressions and measurements of the prepared tooth, using the information we gather in the design and fabrication process. Each one is then made using porcelain, a strong material that absorbs bite pressure and can mimic the appearance of natural tooth enamel. We even shade them to better match surrounding teeth, and may whiten your teeth beforehand to ensure they blend with your brightest possible smile. Once we complete your custom restorations, we place them with a powerful bonding agent. The entire process only takes two visits.

Transforming a Smile’s Overall Appearance

They cover the front and the sides of your teeth, which means they can address a myriad of cosmetic issues. For example, if you have permanent intrinsic staining, which may not respond to traditional teeth whitening, we can mask theses stains. Placement also repairs minor chips and cracks and can lengthen worn down teeth. We’ve used them to reshape malformed teeth and to even correct the appearance of minor misalignment, which means offering an alternative to traditional metal braces. For some patients, these provide a smile makeover in just two sittings.

Maintaining Your New Restorations

Keeping them bright and strong lasting means taking care of them as you would natural teeth. After all, the teeth your veneers are attached to are still susceptible to tooth decay and periodontal issues, and the restorations themselves could become stained over time. To protect them, be sure you brush them and floss around them, just as you do for your natural teeth. Also, make time for checkups and cleanings, so we can monitor your restorations and remove plaque buildup to prevent cavities and gum disease. If you have any questions about creating and placing custom veneers, or if you think your smile could benefit from placement, then please contact our team today.

Woodland Hills Dental Offers Lifelike Veneers

We would like to help you enjoy a stunning new smile, and in as little as two visits. Schedule a consultation to discuss our lifelike cosmetic restorations by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: