Looking For A Brighter Smile This Summer?

Summer time means plenty of social interactions, gathering with friends to swim, enjoy the warm weather, and head outdoors. Which means you’ll want your smile to impress. If you have discoloration, then your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist can offer solutions with our professional cosmetic treatments, from teeth whitening to veneers!

Our Home-Based Teeth Whitening Procedure

Often, we can brighten smiles by several shades with a unique system you use from the comfort of your own home. When you come to the office, we will take impressions and measurements of your smile and create a custom set of plastic trays. We will then prescribe a powerful bleaching gel, which you take home along with the trays. Each day, you will fill the trays will gel and wear them for about a half hour to 45 minutes. Over the course of a week to ten days, the gel will break up the stains while the trays ensure the gel is spread evenly across your smile. The treatment also limits the risk of tooth sensitivity, offering a brighter smile without causing discomfort.

Steps for Keeping Smiles Bright

Following treatment, know that you can keep the remaining trays and gel for future touch-ups as stains begin to reappear. Since discoloration forms as a result of your daily habits, they may begin to develop several months following treatment. However, with routine care you can help ensure your results last much longer. You should cut back on drink with dark pigments, such as coffee, soda, tea, and red wine, which cause stains to form. Also, reduce your consumption of sugary foods, which promote discoloration through plaque buildup. Make time to see us every six months for a cleaning, so we can remove plaque and polish for your smile for a brighter appearance. Finally, be sure you brush and floss your teeth daily, which helps your smile stay bright and reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Solutions for Intrinsic Staining

Not every tooth stain forms on the surface as a result of the foods and drinks we consume. Intrinsic stains, also known as permanent discoloration, actually form in the dentin below the tooth enamel. They may be caused by injury to the teeth, fluorosis, or exposure to tetracycline a young age. Teeth whitening may not be enough to remove them. However, we can mask them with bonding, veneers, or a combination of the two, offering a brighter smile in one to two visits.

Woodland Hills Dental Brightens Teeth

We want you to enjoy a shining, beautiful smile all summer long. Schedule a consultation to discuss our cosmetic dental treatment options by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: