
How Do I Keep My Gums Healthy?

Multiple factors, from poor oral hygiene to family history, could impact our risk of developing gum disease. Poor gum health…

Dr. Naminik

How Do You Examine And Clean My Smile?

You’ve heard it a million times, we’re sure. You need to have your teeth examined and cleaned regularly, preferably at…

Dr. Naminik

What Dental Technology Do You Offer?

In order to help patients in Woodland Hills, CA, enjoy improved oral health, we employ a number of different treatment…

Dr. Naminik

Do You Have Questions About Single Tooth Anesthesia?

We want to ensure our Woodland Hills, CA, patients enjoy a comfortable experience at our office. In order to ensure…

Dr. Naminik

4 Ways To Improve Dental Hygiene

With National Dental Hygiene Month in full swing, we would like to talk about what our Woodland Hills, CA, patients…

Dr. Naminik

Can You Place Dental Implants Same Day?

When a Woodland Hills, CA, patient comes to us with missing teeth, we may suggest implant dentistry as a way…

Dr. Naminik

What Can You Do To Prevent Cavities After Halloween?

For kids and adults alike, Halloween is a fun time to enjoy scary movies and dress up in spooky costumes.…

Dr. Naminik

How Do Porcelain Veneers Transform A Smile?

If you have issues with the shade and shape of your teeth, don’t assume multiple procedures and visits will be…

Dr. Naminik

How Do You Treat Sleep Apnea?

Do you have trouble sleeping? Many people with issues sleeping actually suffer from a disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea…

Dr. Naminik

How Do You Stop TMJ Disorder?

Have you ever heard of TMJ disorder? Also referred to as TMD or TMJ dysfunction, this disorder occurs when your…

Dr. Naminik