How Do You Stop TMJ Disorder?

Have you ever heard of TMJ disorder? Also referred to as TMD or TMJ dysfunction, this disorder occurs when your jaw joints undergo excessive strain, leading a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. Fortunately, we can help treat TMD for our Woodland Hills, CA, patients, often with an oral appliance!

Causes of TMD

What causes the jaw joints to undergo strain? Often, the cause could be linked to misalignment, injury to the face or jaw, tooth loss, bruxism (teeth grinding/jaw clenching), or bite imbalance. As part of the treatment process, we will diagnose the cause and assess the extent of your disorder. Treating TMD is essential to avoid problems opening and closing your mouth, as well as a host of uncomfortable symptoms that we will discuss in the next section.

Signs You Should Give Us a Call

Patients with TMJ disorder often report jaw pain, aches in the neck or shoulders, regular headaches, and a popping or clicking sensation in the jaw. If they also grind their teeth, then pain and sensitivity in the teeth may develop as well. If you experience pain in or around your jaw, or persistent headaches, then give us a call. You may need to undergo a diagnosis and possibly TMJ-related treatment.

Treatment Options

In many cases, we will treat the issue with a custom-made oral appliance. While the device looks and functions like a simple nightguard, it actually repositions the jaw to reduce strain. We also combat jaw joint strain with Invisalign® aligners, other orthodontic treatments, or possibly the creation of custom-made dental crowns. If you have any questions about identifying and treating TMJ disorder, or if you think you need treatment, then contact our team today. Don’t live with pain in your jaw, let us help you find the right solution!

Talk To Woodland Hills Dental Arts About Treating TMD

Our team provides solutions to TMJ disorder to help you maintain a healthy and comfortable smile. Schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: