Cosmetic Dentistry: 3 Benefits Beyond The Esthetic

When you sign up for the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, you are expecting to achieve esthetic improvements that will surely put a smile on your face. However, you may not have ever stopped to wonder whether the advantages may go beyond the pure cosmetic changes that are taking place with your appearance. The good news is that in some instances, the answer is, “Yes!” Let’s go over a few benefits that may end up surprising you.

Benefit #1: Improved Comfort

Maybe you recently chipped a tooth. Perhaps you have a tooth that was always a little long and very sharp. These types of issues can bother you not only on a visual level but also on a physical level, as well. Sharp edges have the capacity to snag your tongue or irritate other soft tissues. By improving them, you can expect to enjoy improved comfort, too.

Benefit #2: Improved Hygiene

While cosmetic dentistry certainly isn’t going to take away your need to brush and floss, it does have the potential to make your hygiene less challenging. For example, let’s say you have a small space between your teeth where food often becomes stuck; thanks to dental bonding, we can close the gap, getting rid of this hygiene hazard. Or, maybe two teeth gently overlap and we make an improvement with contouring. Flossing and brushing effectively will become less challenging.

Benefit #3: Improved Balance

Sometimes, it’s a minor change that has a significant effect on the balance of your teeth. For instance, if your teeth are varying lengths, you will notice that chewing or speaking is sometimes uncomfortable. By providing you with a uniform smile line with the use of cosmetic dentistry, you may enjoy improved bite balance, as well.

Dr. Naminik: