Cosmetic Dentistry Refresher

You know that cosmetic dentistry leads to a better-looking smile. However, if you are just becoming familiar with this area of care, you might not know much beyond this information. To help you sort out a more specific understanding of the way improvements can address specific esthetic problems, we encourage you to take a look through a quick refresher. Becoming more familiar with treatment options is a wonderful place to start.

Teeth Whitening

A very popular cosmetic dentistry treatment, teeth whitening will eliminate stains on your teeth. This can bring you from a discolored smile to one that appears whiter, vibrant, and healthy looking. Keep in mind, we generally suggest whitening for mild to moderate staining on natural tooth tissue.

Tooth Bonding

Bonding is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that addresses a wide variety of issues. We rely on bonding as our “additive” treatment, which allows us to strategically place composite (a color match-able material). We can fix chips, cover problems, lengthen teeth, and fill spaces.

Tooth Contouring

Contouring is like the companion to bonding. It is a treatment through which we can remove a small amount of tissue from teeth to make changes for the better. For instance, you may want to shorten a tooth, smooth out a sharp point, or improve some gentle overlapping.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are another favorite cosmetic dentistry treatment because of their power to transform. They are very thin yet durable porcelain shells that create a brand new facade over your teeth. You can address nearly any combination of cosmetic concerns with this treatment.

Invisalign Treatment

For individuals seeking a straighter smile, Invisalign treatment is a comfortable, incognito way to align your teeth. You will wear clear trays made of sleek, non-irritating plastic that will gradually shift teeth.

Dr. Naminik: