Cosmetic Dentistry: Can I Brush To Success?

When you decide you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry because your smile is discolored, you may make a very common mistake: You might assume you can brush your smile back to a brilliant white shade. We understand that considering the whitening toothpastes on the market, this seems like a possibility. However, if you are looking for a marked improvement in the color of your grin, this is just not going to work. Wondering why and what to do? We’re ready to help!

Why You Can’t Brush Discoloration Away

The serious stains you see aren’t just on the very surface of your teeth. Instead, they have become stains because there are pigment particles essentially trapped within the layers (you read that correctly, layers) of your teeth. Even if you brush and brush with whitening toothpaste, you cannot achieve the same improvements you will see from cosmetic dentistry. Your efforts may show a very mild change but you will not see multiple shade lifts as a result.

What You Can Do

If you want a whiter smile, you should continue brushing twice daily to care for your oral health and to prevent additional staining. For the dramatic transformation you are looking for, you should come speak with us about cosmetic dentistry. We will listen to your concerns and questions, examine your smile, and decide whether teeth whitening, dental bonding, or porcelain veneers is the best pathway toward your soon-to-be snow-white grin. Keep in mind, whitening will remove stains from your teeth. Bonding as well as porcelain veneers are options for camouflaging stains (so even if staining is severe, a prettier smile is on the horizon).

Dr. Naminik: