3 Essential Factors In Cosmetic Care

You might find yourself wondering what makes receiving cosmetic care something special. After all, you may think that everyone who comes through our practice doors must receive the exact same treatments. The truth is, treatments are never identical but everyone does receive fully customized care. Otherwise, smiles would come out looking the same and terribly unflattering. Instead, we rely on a detailed approach to offering your cosmetic services, so your smile is the beautiful unique feature it should be. Learn more.

#1: What’s Beautiful To You

We aren’t interested in providing cosmetic care that helps your smile reach our personal esthetic goals. We are interested in helping you attain a smile that meets your esthetic goals. As a result, we will work one-on-one with you to choose treatments that yield your desired smile.

#2: Thoughtful Treatment Plans

We don’t ask you what’s wrong, find out you want whiter teeth, and then blindly suggest teeth whitening. As you may have noticed, there are often multiple treatments that can address one problem or multiple ways to combine treatments to arrive at a particular result. To ensure you love your transformation, we carefully select treatments that meet your needs.

#3: Natural Results

We could apply treatment after treatment in an effort to make your smile look gorgeous. However, if the results of those treatments were to fail the “that looks like a natural smile” test, we would not consider them successful. Instead, your customized cosmetic care comes with our attention toward ensuring the changes we implement lead to a smile that looks like it’s truly your own.

Dr. Naminik: