Custom Dentistry With iTero® Scanning

When you need a restoration, a prosthetic, or even oral appliances or aligners, you need an option that fits comfortably and provides treatment with precision. To make this possible, our team will design them using the iTero® digital scanning system. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist explains how this helps smiles receive personalized treatment.

The Diagnostic Process

When you come to us for treatment, we will take a close look at your smile employing advanced digital imaging systems, such as intraoral cameras and digital x-rays. These systems allow us to make impressions with precision, so we can plan treatment customized for your smile. If you’re going to receive a restoration, clear aligners, or an oral appliance or prosthetic, then we will create these based on detailed images of your smile gathered with the iTero® digital scanning systems, providing repair and smile correction with accuracy and a comfortable fit!

iTero® Scanning

The scanning device contains a tiny digital camera at the end of a very thin wand. This means we can use the wand to comfortably and quickly take pictures of your smile from multiple angles, combining them to create a 3D impression of your smile. The impressions will not require biting down on a mold filled with gooey materials, which means less time in the chair and better accuracy with the impression. We can use the images and impressions to create Invisalign® aligners, correcting your misalignment with a cosmetic approach instead of relying on braces. The images enable us to design and create full and partial crowns that fit perfectly, and to craft prosthetics, such as bridges, dentures, and implant restorations that look natural and fit comfortably, preserving the balance of your bite in the process. We can even create appliances to help treat TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding)!

Moving Forward With Treatment

Once we gather these images, we will begin work on your restoration or appliance. You will then return for a future appointment in which we attach your completed restoration, or provide you with aligners or appliances and instructions for their use. We will also attach your prosthetic and discuss proper care for your new teeth, so your new smile can stay intact and shining for years to come. We want to help families in Woodland Hills, CA, enjoy optimal oral health and treatment with precision, so we’re proud to incorporate advanced digital technology as part of the diagnostic and planning process. If you have any questions, then contact our team today.

Learn More About Our Custom Restorations and Aligners!

Our team is ready to offer a customized approach to your dental care with advanced imaging systems. To learn more about the technology we use, contact Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA at (818)347-5124!


Dr. Naminik: