Discover A Less Invasive Form Of Sleep Apnea Treatment

Are you finding that you are already tired, even before noon? If you struggle with your sleep, you should know that you are far from the only one. Sleep disorders are highly prevalent within the United States, but many people in this country avoid seeking treatment for their condition. If you are experiencing chronic obstructive sleep apnea, this disorder can lead to dangerous and potentially life-threatening complications such as heart attack and stroke. It is important to take your sleep health seriously!

With our team of helpful sleep science experts in Woodland Hills, CA, you have the opportunity to achieve a more restful night of sleep. Set aside some time for a discussion about your health, and while you are here, ask us all of your questions about obstructive sleep apnea. We can help you to determine whether an oral appliance is right for your dental health needs, giving you an option that is less invasive than surgery. With sleep apnea treatment from our team, you may be able to avoid a noisy CPAP machine, so make the effort in finding comfortable care!

Your Common Sleep Disorder Can Affect Your Overall Health

If you are struggling with sleep apnea, you might feel like you can power through it, but your condition can really take its toll over time. You might find that you are just not feeling as rested as you need to make it through the day, winding up tired even before it is time for lunch. This condition occurs when your throat becomes a little too soft during sleep, blocking your own airway overnight.

Chronic obstructive sleep apnea can also become harmful for your lasting health, as well. These pauses can last over a full minute, depriving your body of the oxygen that you need. With untreated sleep apnea, your risk of heart disease and stroke increase significantly, so take your rest seriously!

There Is An Apnea Treatment That Helps You Avoid Noisy Machines And Surgery

If you have been holding off on treatment for your common sleep disorder, has it been due to the noise and intrusion of some of the available forms of care? If so, talk to your dentist about the advantages of an oral appliance. This is a slim BPA-free device that gently repositions your jaw, helping to prevent your airway from closing. Simply wear your new oral appliance and discover the benefits of treating your common sleep disorder!

Learn More About Oral Appliances With Woodland Hills Dental Arts

When you need a comfortable form of treatment for your chronic obstructive sleep apnea, discover the advantages of a less invasive form of care. To learn more about oral appliance-based treatment, give us a call at Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA at (818)347-5124!

Dr. Naminik: