Do You Want A Brighter Smile In The New Year?

2019 is a chance to make big changes! Why not take this time to consider making those changes to your smile? A focus on better oral hygiene could help our Woodland Hills, CA, patients enjoy healthier and brighter smiles. Let’s see what positive changes you could make in the upcoming year.

Custom Whitening Trays

If you want a brighter smile, then consider our professional teeth whitening system. After creating a custom-made set of plastic trays, we will prescribe a powerful bleaching gel. Next, patients will bring the trays and gel home. Each day, the trays will be filled with the gel and worn for between 30 and 45 minutes. Optimal results take between a week and ten days, with some patients enjoying smiles brightened by multiple shades. You can then keep the trays and any remaining gel for touch-ups down the road. We will also discuss changes to your daily routine that will help you enjoy longer lasting results!

Veneers and Bonding

While our trays and gel remove surface stains, some people develop discoloration beneath the enamel, known as intrinsic stains. Minor intrinsic discoloration may respond to our teeth whitening option, but if not, then we will make the stains with either bonding or veneers, or possibly a combination of the two. Bonding involves applying the same composite resin we use in our tooth-colored fillings to mask discoloration. We also use the procedure to fix chipped teeth. Placement only takes one visit! Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that completely change a smile’s shape and color. If you have any question about teeth whitening or about our other cosmetic treatments, then contact our team today.

Talk To Woodland Hills Dental Arts About Oral Hygiene

We’re ready to help you take the right steps for your smile’s healthy and beauty. We have a number of cosmetic treatments, including our teeth whitening trays. Schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: