Let’s Fix That Chipped Tooth In One Visit

Have you chipped or broken a tooth? If so, you may assume that multiple visits will be necessary to address the problem. However, with cosmetic bonding and contouring, we offer our Woodland Hills, CA, patients a solution to damaged smiles in a single visit.

Dental Bonding

We often prescribe bonding to repair chipped teeth. To repair the tooth, we first remove any decay and then thoroughly clean the tooth. We then prepare the bonding material. We apply the same composite resin we use in our tooth-colored fillings, which will be shaded to blend with the tooth. We then shape and sculpt the tooth as the material cures underneath a special light. Finally, we polish the tooth itself for a more natural appearance. The entire visit only takes one visit. In addition to tooth repair, we’ve used this procedure to mask permanent teeth stains and close unsightly gaps between the teeth!

Dental Contouring

For more minor damage, we may recommend contouring. Again, the entire procedure only takes one visit. However, instead of adding material to the tooth, we gently buff away the outer structure. In addition to addressing chipped teeth, we also remove pits or grooves in the tooth and dull overly pointed teeth. We may offer this procedure in the same visit as your bonding treatment.

The Dangers of Damaged Smiles

Even if you damage appears very minor, please see us right away. Even minor damage could expose the inner tooth structure to harmful bacteria, leading to a greater risk of tooth decay and infection. Remember, we may be able to completely repair your tooth in just one sitting! If you have any questions or concerns about tooth repair or our cosmetic treatment options, then contact our team today.

Talk To Woodland Hills Dental Arts About Bonding and Contouring

We want to offer a lifelike solution to damaged teeth that doesn’t require multiple visits. Schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: