Veneers Offer Stunning Smile Improvement

Looking to transform your smile? What if we have a single procedure that could completely change the color and shape of your teeth? With porcelain veneers, we help our Woodland Hills, CA, patients obtain the beautiful smiles they’ve dreamed of. Let’s talk about what creating and placing these cosmetic restorations involve.

Creating Them

How do we create a custom-made dental veneer? We begin by examining your smile to assess the cause and extent of your cosmetic issues. We will also talk with you about your smile goals. Once we decide veneers are the best option, we will begin the procedure by removing a thin layer of enamel. Doing so makes room for the veneers. The impression we then take of the prepared teethe will be sent to a dental lab, where an expert ceramist will craft them from porcelain. You will then return to the office for placement.

Placement and Maintenance

When you arrive, we will check the fit and if necessary, make adjustments. Using a powerful bonding agent, we will attach the completed restoration to your tooth. Afterward, routine care will keep your new restoration bright and strong. Just as you would for your natural teeth, you need to brush twice daily for two minutes each time. We also suggest flossing every night before going to bed. Cutting back on sugary foods and drinks also safeguards your natural teeth and restoration. Finally, be sure you see us every six months for a checkup and cleaning. These routine visits enable us to monitor your smile.

What Makes Them So Lifelike?

Their lifelike appearance is due to the porcelain material we use to create them. Durable and containing stain-resistant properties, porcelain offers a very natural appearance, as the material mimics the translucent capabilities of tooth enamel. In addition, we shade the material to better match your smile. In fact, prior to placement we may brighten your teeth with a whitening procedure to ensure they match your brightest possible smile. When placed, they can reshape malformed or damaged teeth, correct the appearance of minor misalignment, close gaps between teeth, and mask permanent teeth stains. If you have any questions about our lifelike dental restorations, or if you think one would improve the beauty of your smile, then contact your Woodland Hills cosmetic dentist today.

Talk To Woodland Hills Dental Arts About Veneers

Our team offers cosmetic restoration to transform the appearance of smiles in as little as two visits. Schedule a consultation to discuss the benefits of our cosmetic treatments by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: