Enjoy Clear Smile Correction With Invisalign®

Metal braces are not the only options available to correct misalignment. In fact, we offer our Woodland Hills, CA, patients straighter smiles with clear plastic aligners. Let’s talk about the benefits of Invisalign® and how they help correct misalignment.

How Does Correcting Misalignment Impact Oral Health?

What makes crooked and crowded teeth so dangerous for our oral health? Misalignment provides hiding places for food particles to become trapped. Bacteria then break down the food particles and in the process, increase oral acidity and plaque buildup. People then develop a greater risk of tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, the pressure uneven smiles place on the jaw joints leads to an increased chance of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). Addressing your alignment improves much more than just your smile’s overall appearance.

The Invisalign® System

Some patients may assume metal orthodontics are the only option for correcting uneven smiles. Fortunately, this isn’t the case! We will take detailed impressions of your smile, which will be sent to an Invisalign® lab. There, experts will create a series of custom-made aligners from a BPA-free plastic material. Once the patient receives the aligners, he or she will start wearing a set for between 20 and 22 hours a day. After about two weeks, the patient will upgrade t the next set. Over the course of about a year, many patients could see a straighter and healthier smile. All without relying on metal braces!

Benefits of Clear Aligners

First, the aligners are practically invisible when worn, making them a preferred choice for teens and adults. Next, they fit comfortably and help patients avoid the onset of gum and cheek irritation, which may occur as a result of wearing metal braces. They can also be removed before meals, which means patients don’t need to avoid certain foods for fear of them becoming stuck in their orthodontics. Being removable also makes brushing and flossing easier throughout the treatment process. You then enjoy improved oral health! Finally, treatment time is often shorter than people would experience with braces, and requires fewer office visits. If you have any questions about misalignment or about the Invisalign® process, then contact our team today. Let’s work together to help you enjoy a more beautiful smile, one free of poor alignment.

Woodland Hills Dental Arts Offers Clear Braces

Our team wants to help you enjoy a smile free of misalignment, so talk to us about the Invisalign® system today. Schedule a consultation to discuss the benefits of our cosmetic aligners by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.



Dr. Naminik: