How Cosmetic Services Restore Worn Teeth

Gradual wear and tear that changes your smile can be dealt with through the right cosmetic procedure. At our Woodland Hills, CA dentist’s office, we offer several treatments that are effective at improving the smiles of people who feel self-conscious about how they look because their teeth are starting to look worn, older, and generally misshapen. These services can take less time than you anticipate, and they can be surprisingly conservative. While wear and tear can affect healthy smiles, we can provide an evaluation to see if you have teeth that should be treated through restorative services to properly support them.

Are You Unhappy With Your Smile Because Of Dental Wear And Tear?

Gradual wear and tear can start to become noticeable on your teeth as you age. For people who have naturally weaker enamel, and for people who struggle with teeth grinding difficulties, the appearance of wear and tear can become an issue sooner. Even if your teeth remain healthy, their worn, flattened, or otherwise misshapen appearance can take away form the quality of your smile. The good news is that with conservative cosmetic services, we can address these flaws and give you a renewed confidence in the way you look. We provide different options for treatment. Some patients will prefer to have their appearances improved with custom porcelain veneers, which provide long-term support thanks to their durable design. Others will appreciate the more conservative approach provided through tooth bonding and contouring work.

Planning Treatment With Porcelain Veneers

Custom porcelain veneers are carefully designed to restore teeth that look flawed due to their shape, size, condition, or color. They are made to carefully fit over the front surfaces of teeth without changing the natural look of your smile. The process calls for two appointments. At your first visit, your dentist will do the work necessary to measure teeth and prepare them for the receipt of their veneers. At your second visit, these restorations are set in place to hide the different problems you might have with the way you look.

Targeting Specific Flaws Through Tooth Bonding And Contouring Work

Through tooth bonding and contouring services, we can provide a conservative solution to problems with tooth shape and size. This service relies on two approaches to improving the way you look. Contouring helps us reshape teeth that appear awkward or out of place. The bonding treatment hides damages, discoloration, and other problems through the application of a resin material directly onto your tooth structure. For many, this is a cosmetic service we can complete in as little as one appointment!

Talk To Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist About Your Interest In Cosmetic Services

Through the right cosmetic treatment, we can help you put problems with your smile behind you if you have worn and misshapen teeth, or if you have a range of other esthetic issues. If you would like to learn more, contact your Woodland Hills, CA dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: