How Do Trays And Gel Brighten Stained Teeth?

When our teeth become stained, we may feel embarrassed and start looking for solutions. While store bought options work, they don’t offer the same dramatic results as our trays and gel. Find out how we help our Woodland Hills, CA, patients enjoy brighter smiles, with results designed to last for several months!

The Factors Behind Your Discoloration

First, lets talk about how our teeth become stained. If we smoke or use tobacco products, this causes discoloration to form (and increases the risk of multiple forms of cancer). In addition, foods and drinks high in sugar promote plaque buildup, which makes stains more apparent. Beverages with dark pigments, such as tea, red wine, soda, and coffee, also lead to discoloration. These form on the surface, and are known as extrinsic stains. Intrinsic stains form below the enamel and may be caused by injury, fluoride, or exposure to tetracycline at a young age. Since these develop beneath the enamel, they can be difficult to remove and are often referred to as permanent teeth stains.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

Our home-based system addresses extrinsic and minor intrinsic stains. We begin by examining your smile and creating a set of plastic trays. We then prescribe a bleaching gel. You bring the trays and gel home with you, and fill the tray with the gel. The trays should be worn for between 30 and 45 minutes a day, the trays will help ensure the gel is spread evenly over your teeth. After one to two weeks, your smile may be brightened by multiple shades. If you have intrinsic stains that don’t respond to teeth whitening, then we may mask them with dental bonding, porcelain veneers, or a combination of these two cosmetic options.

Tips for Keeping Your Smile Bright

Following treatment, understand that with routine care, you not only safeguard your smile against decay and periodontal issues, but you can help your new results last much longer. We recommend brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes, when you wake up and again before bed. You also need to floss before going to sleep as well. Be sure to see us for a checkup and cleaning every six months, and cut back on sugary foods and drinks with dark pigments. If you have any questions about keeping your smile bright, or if you’re ready to try professional teeth whitening, then contact our team today.

Ready for a Whiter Smile?

If you have discoloration on your teeth, then talk to our team about possible solutions with cosmetic dentistry. For more information on professional teeth whitening, dental bonding, or porcelain veneers, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: