A Few Ways Your Hygiene Could Be Better

One of the first things most of us learned as children was how to take care of our smiles with good dental hygiene. Those lessons hold true well into adulthood; however, over time, we may become less diligent in our hygiene routines every day. At our Woodland Hills, CA, dental office, helping patients improve their dental hygiene practices is an essential part of the preventive dental care we provide. Today, we examine a few of the most important lessons to remember, and how forgetting them could impact the long-term state of your oral health.

It could be more consistent

One of the biggest areas of concern with the average dental hygiene routine is consistency. The goal of good hygiene is to protect your teeth and gums from harmful oral bacteria – the basic foundation of dental plaque. These microbes form plaque every day, which means you have to control them consistently every day. Brushing your teeth at least twice and flossing at least once, preferably before bed time, is essential to this process, and breaking consistency could be the biggest risk to developing oral health issues.

It could be more personalized

At any pharmacy or grocery store, you’ll find a wide range of dental hygiene products to choose from. They don’t just differ in brand and appearance; they also differ in their purpose and effectiveness according to your specific dental health needs. For example, if you have sensitive teeth, then choose a soft-bristled toothbrush and minimally abrasive toothpaste. If you want stronger tooth enamel, then be sure your toothpaste also has fluoride. No matter what products you choose, however, be sure that they carry the American Dental Association’s Seal of Approval.

It could be more professional

With a good, consistent, and personalized dental hygiene routine at home, you have a better chance of successfully keeping your smile healthy for life. However, that still requires consistent professional care and maintenance from your dentist. Be sure to attend a dental checkup and cleaning at least once every six months, or as often as your dentist recommends if you have a specific issue to manage.

Improve your hygiene and oral health

With these few tips, you can improve your dental hygiene routine and your oral health before you develop an oral health issue. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124.

Dr. Naminik: