How Do You Create A Porcelain Veneer?

For those with esthetic concerns about their smile, porcelain veneers offer a complete transformation in as little as two visits. But how do we create these custom restorations? How does placing them address so many issues with the shape and color of a tooth? Let’s look at the process of designing and creating a veneer, and when you should talk to your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist about treatment.

Making Your Custom Restoration

Each restoration we place on your smile will be custom-made, which ensures a comfortable fit and an attractive appearance. With veneers, we begin by making room for them, a process that involves removing a thin layer of outer tooth enamel. Next, we take detailed impressions of the prepared teeth, which we use in the design process. The veneer will be custom-made using a strong and lifelike porcelain material. When you return to the office, we will place the completed restoration with a powerful bonding agent. In two visits, we can essentially transform the appearance of your smile.

The Benefits for Your Smile

First, porcelain reflects light in a similar manner as tooth enamel and is very translucent, which means we can shade them to match the rest of your smile. The material also contains stain-resistant properties and is very durable. With proper care and attention, such as routine homecare and regular six months visits for checkups and cleanings, you can help them last decades.

When we place them, we help repair cracks, chips, and lengthen worn down teeth. We correct naturally misshapen teeth and close unsightly gaps between the teeth. For people with permanent teeth stains, the kind of discoloration that may not respond to teeth whitening, we can mask them with veneers. We also have the chance to correct the appearance of minor misalignment, offering an alternative to braces for some patients.

Tips for Keeping Them Bright

How do you keep them bright and strong? Each day, be sure you brush your teeth twice for two minutes each session. We recommend a toothbrush with soft bristles and a toothpaste that contains fluoride. You also need to floss before bed. These steps help prevent the decay, infection, and periodontal disease that could threaten your smile’s stability. To ensure brightness, consider cutting back on sugary foods and drinks, as well as drinks with dark pigments (coffee, red wine, tea, and soda) to help your smile, restorations included, stay bright.

Woodland Hills Dental Improves Smile Beauty

With cosmetic dentistry, we help improve the health and beauty of your smile. Schedule a consultation to discuss our lifelike cosmetic dental restorations by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: