How Tooth Bonding Could Improve Your Smile

As part of our cosmetic dental care procedures, we offer a treatment that improves the shape and color of your teeth in just one visit: tooth bonding. When do we prescribe tooth bonding and how does this cosmetic treatment help smiles in Woodland Hills, CA?

The Bonding Process

With tooth bonding, we use the same composite resin material we employ in our tooth-colored fillings. Made from a combination of plastic and glass compounds, the restoration is metal-free and can actually be shaded to match the color of your teeth, blending with your smile seamlessly. The treatment process begins with the removal of any decay and the thorough cleaning of the teeth. We then prep and place the material in several layers. The dentist carefully sculpts and shapes the tooth before curing them with a special light. Finally, we polish the tooth, which helps improve esthetics. The entire procedure only takes a sitting to complete, so you leave with a restored smile in one visit.

Improving Your Smile

With treatment, we have a cosmetically appealing and convenient method of treating minor chips or lengthening worn down teeth. We may correct minor fractures and also mask permanent teeth stains, the kind that form beneath the enamel and may not respond to traditional teeth whitening methods. We also close gaps between the teeth as well. Remember, even if you believe your chipped or fractured tooth doesn’t require treatment, even minor damage could expose the inner layers of dentin to bacteria, allowing tooth decay and even infection to arise, threatening your smile’s stability and causing aches and sensitivity.

Dental Contouring

In the same visit, we may also recommend dental contouring. A very different procedure, contouring actually involves removing a small amount of outer enamel from your teeth. By buffing away these layers, we can remove pits or grooves in the tooth’s surface, dull overly pointed teeth, or reshape minor damage or misshapen teeth. As with bonding, the entire procedure only takes one visit to complete. If you have more serious esthetic concerns, we may also discuss the creation and placement of a custom-made dental veneer or crown. If you have any questions about our cosmetic treatments, or if you think your smile would benefit from our care, then contact our team today.

Woodland Hills Dental Offers Cosmetic Dentistry

If you have a chipped or cracked tooth, or one marred by stains or other esthetic concerns, then please talk to our team today. Schedule a consultation to discuss our array of cosmetic dental care options by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: