How Does Your Cosmetic Dentist Brighten Teeth?

If you have stained teeth, then we may be able to help you achieve a brighter smile with our professional cosmetic treatments. Teeth whitening enables your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist to target and remove discoloration. Learn how we use cosmetic dentistry to brighten teeth and help you enjoy a smile you’ll feel proud to show the world.

Professional Teeth Whitening

While store bought systems do offer brighter teeth, they don’t offer the same level of whitening and the results don’t last as long. Not to mention, they often lead to tooth sensitivity. Fortunately, we have a professional alternative that could brighten your smile by multiple shades. First, when you visit us we create a set of custom trays. Each day at home, you fill the trays with a beaching gel and wear them for between 30 and 45 minutes. The custom nature of the trays means the gel is spread evenly across your smile. Over the course of one to two weeks, the gel will break up stains and help you achieve a brighter smile.

Bonding and Veneers

With the teeth whitening procedure we discussed above, we address surface stains, the most common form of discoloration. But what if stains form below the tooth enamel? Known as intrinsic stains, they may not respond to teeth whitening. Instead of removing them, we may instead mask them to help you obtain a brighter smile. Dental bonding helps mask stains in one visit, while also repairing chipped teeth and addressing gaps between the teeth. Veneers are thin restorations that cover the front portion of the teeth. Not only will they mask stains, but they also address the shape and color of your teeth in just two visits.

The Benefits Of Preventive Care

If you undergo teeth whitening, you may wonder what you can do to ensure your smile stays bright. Well, remember that you keep your trays and any remaining gel for touch-ups down the road. You should also brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes and floss every night before going to bed.  These actions control plaque buildup, protecting your smile from tooth decay and gum disease, as well as severe staining. Finally, try to cut back on sugary foods and drinks, and beverages with dark pigments (such as sofa, coffee, tea, and red wine). A few simple changes can help you enjoy a much brighter smile.

Woodland Hills Dental Offers Cosmetic Care

We want to help you enjoy a beautiful smile, one that is bright and healthy. Schedule a consultation to discuss our approach to cosmetic dentistry by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, and all other surrounding areas.



Dr. Naminik: