Placing Fillings That Blend With Your Smile

When you have a cavity, which could cause your tooth to ache, then you need treatment. To treat a cavity, we could place a metal-free filling, one that actually blends with the tooth. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about the warning signs of a cavity, and the benefits of our lifelike fillings.

When You Need a Filling

Have you noticed your tooth feeling sensitive when you eat or drink, or a toothache that lasts for over a day? If so, this could mean you have a serious cavity that need attention to prevent infection. If you attend checkup and cleaning visits every six months, then we will be able to identify decay in the earliest stages of demineralization, addressing your decay before you even experienced discomfort. A cavity forms when enamel is weakened by plaque and poor oral hygiene, or via injury to the tooth, as both factors expose sensitive inner tissues to harmful bacteria. A cavity will spread with time and eventually cause an infection unless treated!

The Placement Process

We first take steps to ensure you feel comfortable. We will administer a local numbing agent, and then once you’re comfortable we will move forward with treatment. The decay will be removed and the tooth thoroughly cleaned. We prepare and place composite resin to the tooth. This filling material is metal-free and can be color-matched to blend with your tooth. Once in place, we cure the material under a light and sculpt the tooth in the process. Finally, we polish your tooth to offer a brighter and more attractive appearance. In only one visit, we stop the discomfort and spread of the decay. You can smile with confidence and comfort again!

Avoiding Future Cavities

To help lower your risk of developing tooth decay, we recommend taking time to start and end your day by brushing your teeth for two minutes. Each session should take about two minutes, and involve the use a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste with fluoride. You should also floss every evening too!

Talk To Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist About Restorative Dentistry

Our team wants to offer restorations that bring relief and also offer a lifelike appearance. If you have an aching or sensitive tooth that needs treatment, then contact your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist’s office by calling 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: