Placing Your Dental Implants Using Advanced Technology

When we lose one or more of our teeth, this causes our oral health to suffer and could even impact our facial structure. To address missing teeth, and ensure your replacement option looks natural, we often opt for dental implants. In order to place them and ensure your new teeth absorbs daily bite forces, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist may use digital technology!

What Makes Dental Implants Different?

A dental implant doesn’t need crowns placed on natural teeth to stay in place, and doesn’t rely on metal clasps or suction/adhesive either. Instead, each implant is a post made from titanium, a biocompatible material the body accepts as a natural root. Which means placing it stimulates the growth of jawbone tissue and prevents the loss of mass and density that follows tooth loss. You new teeth have the potential to last decades as a result! We then attach a crown or prosthetic to complete your new smile.

Guiding Placement

To place them and ensure they sit at the right angle to absorb daily bite forces and pressures, we need to plan and guide them into place with advanced technology. First, we use Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA) to provide a needleless numbing solution, ensuring you remain calm and comfortable throughout the process.

Next, we take a series of detailed digital images using advanced diagnostic technology. These images will be combined to create a 3D computer model of your smile, one allowing us to plan the placement area with precision and accuracy. We then use technology to help guide the placement process, ensuring we place your new tooth roots just as planned. After placement, we wait for osseointegration to take place, which bonds your new implant posts like roots. We then add an abutment and a restoration to complete the visible portion of your new tooth.

Protecting Your Smile

With routine care and attention, your new dental implants have the potential to last for several decades, or maybe even a lifetime! To ensure this, you need to continue to care for your new teeth just as you would your natural ones. You need to brush and flossing daily, and see us every six months for a checkup and cleaning. Together, we can help you enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile for years to come!

Do You Have Questions About Treating Tooth Loss?

We want to help people enjoy a complete smile again with implant dentistry and advanced technology. For more information on our solutions for missing teeth, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.



Dr. Naminik: