Ready To Try Clear Braces?

Did you know that metal braces are not the only option for addressing your misalignment? Instead, we can offer a custom-made series of clear braces to improve your smile’s health and beauty. How do we create them and when should Woodland Hills, CA, patients seek treatment? What benefits will addressing misalignment provide?

Creating Your Aligners

In order to ensure a comfortable fit and accurate treatment, we will take a series of detailed images of your smile. At a lab, these images will be employed by experts to create your custom-made aligners. We gather the images using iTero® digital technology, which provides a more accurate and enjoyable alternative to messy, physical impressions. Once the Invisalign® lab completes your clear braces, you will return to our office and begin treatment!

The Invisalign® Treatment System

Each day, you will wear a set of aligners, usually for between 20 and 23 hours. In order to see optimal results in the original timeframe you discussed with your dentist, you must wear them daily as recommended. After approximately two weeks, you will move on to the next set. Over the course of a year to 18 months, your teeth will be repositioned and your alignment improved. You avoid the gum and cheek irritation often encountered with metal braces, and you wear orthodontics that are practically invisible, enjoying a minimally-invasive solution for uneven smiles!

Caring for Your Smile

Each day, you will wear your aligners as prescribed. At the beginning and end of you day, you will remove your aligners and thoroughly brush and floss your teeth. Doing so helps reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, common issues that could impact your smile’s health and beauty. You may also take them out before meals, which enables you to eat your favorite foods without concerns about particles becoming trapped in your orthodontics. As long as you wear them for the amount of time prescribed, you can also take them out for special situations, such as a job interview or a graduation. With a combination of routine homecare, periodic office visits, and diligence about wearing your aligners, you can enjoy optimal alignment in as little as a year. If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact our team today. We’re ready to help you enjoy a stunning new smile with clear orthodontics.

Woodland Hills Dental Offers Clear Braces

Our team helps patients enjoy a more even and beautiful smile with clear and comfortable orthodontics. Schedule a consultation to discuss our cosmetic dental care and orthodontic treatment options by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA, today at (818) 347-5124. We also proudly work with patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all other surrounding areas.


Dr. Naminik: