Single-Visit Smile Transformation With Bonding

Did you know that our team can offer major smile transformation in only one visit with dental bonding and cosmetic contouring? These treatments allow us to correct issues with the shape and surface, and also mask permanent stains and more. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about bonding and contouring.

The Dental Bonding Process

Dental bonding helps us mask issues or reshape tooth structure. We use the same material employed as part of our tooth-colored dental fillings. Composite resin is a durable material, but also one that can be color-matched to blend with your smile. This is also metal-free, and therefore safe for people of all ages! We begin by administering a local anesthetic to ensure you’re comfortable, before cleaning the tooth thoroughly. We may etch the outside surface as well. The material is then shaded and placed onto the tooth. As it cures under a special light, we sculpt and mold the tooth. The last step is to polish the tooth thoroughly.

Cosmetic Contouring for Your Smile

We could also contour the teeth, either in the same visit or a separate one. Contouring means we sand and buff away outer tooth structure instead of adding to it. The process only takes a few minutes to complete, and could correct a wide array of esthetic complaints. To find out if either of these cosmetic treatments are right for you, simply schedule a consultation so we can take a close look at your smile. We can also combine this with teeth whitening and porcelain veneers for a smile makeover!

The Esthetic Benefits

With bonding, we can mask teeth stains that are permanent and unable to be removed with traditional whitening treatments. We can also lengthen the teeth worn down by grinding and clenching, and reshape malformed ones as well. Repair for chips and cracks is possible, and we can close the unsightly gaps between the teeth too! With contouring, we can correct minor chips, and dull sharp, jagged, or pointed teeth. We can reshape overly large or malformed teeth, and also smooth our pits, grooves, and rough patches in the outer surfaces.

If you have any questions about restoring smiles in only one visit, or about our approach to treatments like dental bonding and cosmetic contouring, then contact our team today to learn more. We would love the opportunity to help transform your smile, so you always feel confident in your appearance.

Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist Offers Cosmetic Repair

Our team wants to help address issues with the shape and color of your smile. If you would like to find out about cosmetic dentistry, or schedule a visit for an exam and a dental cleaning, then contact your Woodland Hills, CA dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: