Three Examples Of Our Advanced Dental Technologies

When we see our patients, we want to help them enjoy not only healthier smiles, but also a comfortable treatment experience. To accomplish this, our team will offer advanced dental technology. In today’s blog, your Woodland Hills, CA, dentist talks about three examples: digital x-rays, STA, and laser dentistry.

Digital X-Rays

We want to obtain a clear and detailed image of your entire smile, so we can offer a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. To accomplish this, our team will use digital x-trays. These don’t rely on uncomfortable bite wings, and instead let us take panoramic images quickly and comfortably with ease. We can see your tooth roots, oral structures, and more to identify areas of concern and plan treatment to avoid nerve tissues and sinus cavities. This uses 90% less radiation, and the images are available instantly chairside so we can make a diagnosis quickly and limit the time you spend in the chair.

Single Tooth Anesthesia

People, especially those with a fear of needles, often have anxiety about the administration of anesthesia as this involves needles in most cases. Which is why we’re so proud to offer the Single Tooth Anesthesia option, which uses no needles. The medication is delivered directly to the areas impacted by treatment, preventing total numbness in your smile. The computer provides real-time feedback, so we can adjust levels as needed during treatment with ease. The process is comfortable as well, and the precision in the administration means we often use less medication and provide longer-lasting results.


We can also treat an array of soft tissue problems with a dental laser. In these situations, we don’t need a scalpel, and you don’t need sutures or anesthesia. Instead, the lasers can target areas with precision, preventing damage to healthy tissues, and also limiting the risk of bleeding, swelling, or infection afterward. We can use these to remove decay, place fillings, remove diseased tissues or reverse gingivitis or manage gum disease, and to contour the gum line to improve overall smile beauty. Treatment takes one visit, and people return to normal activities after only a day of rest.

If you have any questions about our advanced technologies, or if you would like to schedule a visit with our team soon, then contact our team today to learn more. We look forward to seeing you!

Make an Appointment with Your Woodland Hills, CA Dentist Today

These are just three examples of how we protect smiles from serious complications with advanced treatment options. If you would like to learn more about the technologies we use to improve the health and beauty of your smile, then contact your Woodland Hills, CA dentist, Dr. Naminik, by calling 818-347-5124.


Dr. Naminik: