We May Choose Veneers To Transform Your Smile

Your Woodland Hills, CA, cosmetic dentist offers a number of different esthetic treatments to improve various cosmetic concerns, such as stains, uneven teeth, or damage. However, for some situations, we may be able to use a single treatment option to transform the appearance of the smile in as little as two visits. Find out how we use porcelain veneers to improve smile beauty!

What Cosmetic Benefits Will Veneers Offer?

A veneer covers the front and sides of the tooth, which means we can instantly change the shape and color of the tooth. For many, this means masking permanent teeth stains, also known as intrinsic discoloration. This type of tooth stain rarely responds very well to teeth whitening, so masking it can brighten the smile. We can also lengthen worn down teeth and repair minor chips or cracks. Veneers can correct misshapen teeth, close gaps between the teeth, and even improve the appearance of uneven teeth without the use of orthodontics.

How Do We Create Them?

To ensure a perfect fit and a lifelike appearance, we need to custom-make each one. To begin, we remove a small amount of outer enamel from the teeth receiving them. We then take detailed impressions of these teeth, which we use to design and craft the restorations from porcelain. Once ready, you return to the office so we can check the fit, make any necessary adjustments, and then place the completed restoration with a powerful bonding agent, the same one we use to hold crowns in place. The process only takes two visits, and addresses a wide array of cosmetic issues.

What Makes Them So Lifelike?

Porcelain, the material we use to create them, is translucent, much like tooth enamel. We can shade the material to better match the color of surrounding teeth. The material also contains stain-resistant properties, which means your smile can stay brighter. Of course, aside from esthetic benefits, the material can also absorb bite forces and withstand serious pressure, providing a strong restoration that can last decades with proper care and attention. If you would like to learn more, or see if they’re right for your smile, then please schedule a consultation so we can examine your smile and assess the severity of your esthetic issues. If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact our team today!

Want to Learn More About Cosmetic Care?

We have different options to mask stains and reshape teeth, improving overall smile beauty. For more information on our cosmetic treatment options, such as porcelain veneers or professional teeth whitening, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: