Creating Invisalign® Aligners With iTero® Scanning

If you have crooked or crowded teeth, then an orthodontic system may be needed to correct alignment and safeguard your smile’s health and beauty. Instead of relying solely on braces, we may offer our Woodland Hills, CA, patients a clear alternative with Invisalign®. In today’s blog, we’re looking at how we create these custom aligners with the iTero® digital scanning system.

How Does Invisalign® Improve Smiles?

We don’t use metal brackets and wires to reposition the teeth. Instead, the patient will wear a set of clear aligners every day for 20 to 22 hours each day. After about two weeks, the patient will upgrade to the next set in the series. Over a period of about a year, the aligners will alter the position of the teeth to correct crowding and other issues related to misalignment. The patient enjoys straighter teeth and a balanced bite, which means a healthier overall smile.

Creating Your Aligners

To ensure accurate and precise treatment, and to also offer a comfortable fit, each set will be custom-made. To create them, we first start by taking a series of detailed digital images of your smile with the iTero® system. A tiny digital camera at the end of a small wand will be used to gather a series of images quickly and comfortably. We combine images to create a 3D model, and then use the model to design your clear braces. Each set will be made specifically for your smile, and when worn properly, will correct minor and severe misalignment. We will discuss when to wear them, and when you can remove them, during your appointment.

The Benefits of Straighter Teeth

When you have a more even smile, thorough brushing and flossing is much easier, which means you enjoy a reduced risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Restoring the balance of your bite also decreases the risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism developing, which could cause discomfort and impact your smile’s health and comfort. You also enjoy a more attractive smile, and won’t feel hesitant to show off your pearly whites when you laugh or smile. For those undergoing treatment, we may also discuss professional teeth whitening or veneers to ensure your newly corrected smile is also your brightest and most attractive. If you have any questions about correcting misalignment, or about improving overall oral health, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Clear Braces?

With Invisalign® our team can correct minor and severe misalignment, offering a healthier and more attractive smile. For more information on our clear aligners and other cosmetic treatment options, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.


Dr. Naminik: