We Can Offer Invisible Braces

Just because you need orthodontic treatment doesn’t mean you will absolutely have to wear metal braces. For many patients in Woodland Hills, CA, we have a practically invisible alternative to traditional metal orthodontics. With Invisalign®, we can help you enjoy a more attractive and healthy smile with aligners that are clear and comfortable.

How Does Invisalign® Work?

Invisalign® involves a patient wearing a series of aligners that fit over the teeth. The aligners gradually and carefully reposition your teeth over a period of about a year for adults and up to 18 months for teens. No need for braces, just practically invisible aligners to enjoy a straighter and healthier smile. To begin, we need to assess the cause and severity of your misalignment. Next, we take a series of detailed impressions and measurements. The information we gather will be used to design and fabricate the aligners from a clear, BPA-free acrylic material. Once complete, you can begin your treatment!

What to Expect Each Day

Each day you need to wear a set of aligners for between 20 and 22 hours. After about two weeks, you will upgrade to the next in the series. Occasionally, you will see your dentist for checkups, so we can monitor your progress. You can remove them before each meal, which means no need to worry about food becoming stuck in your orthodontics, and no need to avoid certain foods. We also suggest removing them to brush and floss each night. As long as you wear them daily as recommended, you could also remove them before special occasions, such as a first date, graduation, or a job interview. The orthodontics will remain barely visible throughout the day, so you obtain results without a major impact on your professional appearance.

Long-Term Benefits

The immediate benefits of treatment is the appearance of your smile. You enjoy straighter teeth and a more attractive smile. However, correcting misalignment also improves your overall health as well. You enjoy a lower risk of tooth decay and gum disease, and a reduced chance of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) forming. In the long run, your smile is much healthier and you don’t have to worry about issues that could weaken or damage your teeth, or cause them to become lost. If you have any questions about invisible braces, then contact our team today to schedule a consultation.

Ready to Address Your Misalignment?

Our team would love to help you enjoy optimal oral health with orthodontic treatment. For more information on our cosmetic clear orthodontics, then please schedule a consultation by calling Woodland Hills Dental Arts in Woodland Hills, CA today at 818-347-5124. We also proudly welcome patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, and all surrounding communities.